Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I fell in love with guacamole 2 years ago. We had a few friends over to watch a football game & everyone brought appetizers. My neighbor brough nachos & guac. Oh man. YUM. I have loved it ever since & eat it whenever I can. But ONLY homemade! I have tried the already made versions from the grocery store, but they just do not taste as yummy!

The other night, I made tacos for supper, & found 1 poor, lonely avocado in the fridge. A-ha! Guacamole it is! My current obsession right is Greek yogurt. For smoothies. With granola. Instead of sour cream. Greek yogurt = yum! And healthy! So, I figured, instead of Miracle Whip for my guac, let`s try Greek yogurt! Add some chopped garlic. Lemon juice. PERFECT! I had a super delish taco with cheese, lettuce, peppers, onions & tomato. Oh! And some salsa & banana peppers. Heat is nice :) SO GOOD!

The next day, I had a little bit of guacamole left. So, I toasted some whole wheat bread, spread on the guac, a little bit of mustard, 1 slice of super thin turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato & banana peppers. I had to have 2, it was so tasty! And then I was out of avocados :(

So today! Oh it was cold today. -48*C with the windchill :( However, I wasn`t going to get a little bit of winter weather get in my way! So, after I picked the boys up from school, & I went & got some more avocados. Mmmmm. And now, I am enjoying a tasty, guac-y treat! This time, I chopped the avocado & added diced red & yellow peppers, so it`s like a chunky, but creamy, salsa. YUM! Sadly, I forgot the best dippers (Hint of Lime Tostitos), so I am using Veggie Thins. Meh. It`s simply a vehicle for the delicious, green guacamole!

Be sure to try making your guacamole with Greek yogurt next time :) Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Baby, It`s Cold Outside

Today is the coldest day of the year (well, season). We have been very spoiled this winter, with temperatures being approximately 15-20 degrees warmer than normal. I am not going to lie, I loved it!

But all good things come to an end, right? This morning, it was was -37C, without the windcill, when I took the boys to school. Mama no likey :( It is currently -35C. Still too cold for this bird!

In a quest to warm up, I have turned to baking. Logically, I thought the boys would love to take muffins to school for snacks! So I made muffins for them (such a good, loving mama!). Then, I mixed up some mint chocolate chip cookie dough. Oh dear. Now I have 6 dozen muffins, and way too many cookies. I also want to make my cherry chip cookies, since I found a cherry chip cake mix in the cupboard. Did I mention I had started up my other blog to help me focuse on eating better & losing weight?

I need a coffee date, stat! Someone needs to eat this baking! I think Anson`s hockey team will be getting some cookie treats at their tournament this weekend.

And PS. Now recipes to share today, my friends. I cheated & used cookie & muffins mixes. I just add a little vanilla, sugar extra chocolate chips to make them not taste so pre-packaged-y.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Uh Oh!

I am starting to slack off! Granted, part of the reason is because I have been too busy (lazy??) to get in full grocery trip. I really should do that this week. After I meal plan. I cannot go in there, all willy-nilly, because I will not get anything accomplished! So. Here is my question to you. When you menu plan, do you assign meals to days (ie- Monday is tacos, Tuesday is chicken parm, etc)? Or (and this is my preferred method), do you create a list of meal ideas on your fridge & pick one?

When I do up my menu, I factor in side dishes, desserts (if needed)& everything else needed for up to 2 weeks worth of meals. I even include cheat notes (pizzas for quick meals, what nights NEED to be slow cooker nights, things like that). And, my big thing, is to remember the leftovers! My boys range from eating nothing, to eating 4 helpings. Currently, my 7 year old is growing, & he is eating like there are holes in the bottom of his feet! I also love leftovers fo the boys` school lunches. My kids so very rarely eat sandwiches, & would much rather a hot lunch at school!

One of my projects for my kitchen (after I finish scraping the glue off my 92 year old hardwood floors) is to create a command station. Part of that station will include a menu board. Again, not assigning meals to days, but I will post a week`s worth of meals, giving the boys & myself an option of what`s available to us. Searching Pinterest, I have found a few cute menu board ideas, that are easily adaptable to suit any kitchen theme! I will, of course, post my menu board when it is made. So far, my favorite one that I`d love to try includes an old cookie sheet, fabric & magnets! I need to create a list of things I need, & then (the hard part!) get to the city to hit up Wal-Mart for my supplies! Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Easy Peasy Turkey Stock!

I hate turkey carcasses. It makes me squirm. But I always feel sad when I throw the carcass out, thinking of all the homemade turkey stock I could have. I just could not hack the thought of well, hacking up the carcass! Until Pinterest! Oh Pinterest how I love thee (you may notice a theme on my blogs, LOL). Pinterest gave me this fabulous idea for my favorite kitchen tool, the slow cooker! AND, even better? Minimal work. OVERNIGHT. Who knew you could make super delicious turkey stock while you slept away your turkey meal! Here`s how I did it!

Overnight Turkey Stock
1 turkey carcass (will work with chicken as well!)
1 carrot
1 stalk of celery
1 onion, cut in half
2 bay leaves
1 TBSP poultry seasoning
12 cups water

Throw everything into your slow cooker. Put on low for 8-10 hours. Go to bed. DONE! How awesome is that?!?!

Well, okay, I lied. You have a little bit of work to do. Strain the turkey stock from the carcass/veggies. Your stock is done! Put into containers & label, then freeze. Orrrr....whip up a batch of turkey noodle soup (and THEN freeze the leftover stock). If you make turkey soup right away, pick apart your carcass for meaty morsels. Mmmm, nothing like turkey soup with turkey buns, the day after a giant turkey dinner!!

Beef Stroganoff

I was hoping to get a picture of this, but my boys gobbled it up too fast. All the more to make it again, right?? We shared this with our neighbors, & they loved it as well!! I used an entire bag of egg noodles, so if you double the recipe (which I highly reccomend!), be sure to use 2 bags of noodles!

Beef Stroganoff
2 pounds of stewing beef
2 cans of mushroom soup
1 large, diced onion
1 can of mushrooms, drained
4 TBSP Worcestersire
1/2 cup water
Sprinkle of paprika
2 cloves of chopped garlic
8 oz cream cheese
Favorite egg noodles

Whisk soup, water, Worcestershire & paprika together in your slow cooker. Add beef, onions, mushrooms & garlic. Cook on low for 8 hours. Cut cream cheese into cubes & add to slow cooker. Turn cooker to high & cook for 30 minutes (or until cheese melts). Serve over egg noodles.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year, New Blog!

Well, sorta. It is a new year, but this is not a new blog! However, I do want to kickstart this baby back into use! One of my family`s resolution this year is eat a more varied diet. We already eat fairly healthy, for the most part, but, I get stuck in ruts. Boring, same old same old ruts. And, well, I am bored of it!

So here comes the "New Blog" part! I want to use my blog to help inspire new, creative meals for my little family! And, maybe, just maybe! If I document new recipes, new ideas, & what we thought of them, I will blog more! MAYBE even blog on my family & work blogs too? We`ll see!!

So! To start off the New Year, I have cooked 8 out of the last 10 nights! I tried my hand at homemade lasagna, for the first time ever. The boys LOVED it. And man, it was SO easy! I also made Broccoli Chowder (which I have posted here once). It was a HUGE hit! And while I though I had made enough for leftovers? It was gone in less than half an hour. Oops.

I also tried a brand spankin` new recipe last night. I have been scouring Pinterest (my lastest addiction) for new meal ideas. A few people have posted this "Best Stroganoff EVER" recipe, so I figured why not. Seriously? It`s the BEST. My boys each plowed through 3 bowls. And took the leftovers for lunch today. THAT right there the sign of a "keeper" recipe! I will post it in the next post, with our review.

Tonight is another new recipe! Slow Cooker Baked Potato Soup. We`re going to eat in homemade bread bowls. Which I need to start soon! For the bread bowls, I am just going to use my Nana`s bun recipe, but make the buns bigger. It smells good already, especially since I used the last of my homemade turkey stock! Which is another recipe I need to post, as it is a super easy, super delicous slow cooker recipe!

Well, until next time :)