Monday, January 16, 2012

Uh Oh!

I am starting to slack off! Granted, part of the reason is because I have been too busy (lazy??) to get in full grocery trip. I really should do that this week. After I meal plan. I cannot go in there, all willy-nilly, because I will not get anything accomplished! So. Here is my question to you. When you menu plan, do you assign meals to days (ie- Monday is tacos, Tuesday is chicken parm, etc)? Or (and this is my preferred method), do you create a list of meal ideas on your fridge & pick one?

When I do up my menu, I factor in side dishes, desserts (if needed)& everything else needed for up to 2 weeks worth of meals. I even include cheat notes (pizzas for quick meals, what nights NEED to be slow cooker nights, things like that). And, my big thing, is to remember the leftovers! My boys range from eating nothing, to eating 4 helpings. Currently, my 7 year old is growing, & he is eating like there are holes in the bottom of his feet! I also love leftovers fo the boys` school lunches. My kids so very rarely eat sandwiches, & would much rather a hot lunch at school!

One of my projects for my kitchen (after I finish scraping the glue off my 92 year old hardwood floors) is to create a command station. Part of that station will include a menu board. Again, not assigning meals to days, but I will post a week`s worth of meals, giving the boys & myself an option of what`s available to us. Searching Pinterest, I have found a few cute menu board ideas, that are easily adaptable to suit any kitchen theme! I will, of course, post my menu board when it is made. So far, my favorite one that I`d love to try includes an old cookie sheet, fabric & magnets! I need to create a list of things I need, & then (the hard part!) get to the city to hit up Wal-Mart for my supplies! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Vanessa Wolfram said...

I don't meal plan so I'm of no help am I? Ha! I'm the type to grab whatever is in the house, throw it together and hope it sticks. Mac and cheese with farmer sausage you say? DONE!